Student Section

Student Wellness Center

Welcome !
The Student Wellness Centre is the place on campus to address your wellness needs. We provide a range of counselling options, medical services and wellness programs so that you can get the most out of your McMaster experience, academically and personally. At some point just about everyone finds they have major concerns on their mind that may interfere with their success, happiness, and satisfaction at college. Often, students mention that a helpful way of dealing with problematic situations and feelings is to start by talking them through with an experienced counsellor.

The Student Wellness Centre provides care for students at Rudra institute of Technology, Mawana Khurd (Meerut). We believe that the best counselling and health care are provided in an atmosphere that respects privacy and assures confidentiality. Any information you share Student Wellness Centre staff will be held in the strictest of confidence. The Student Wellness Centre staff are bound as a condition of employment, and by law and ethics, to safeguard your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information. We will only collect information that may be necessary for your care, keep accurate and up-to-date records, and retain and destroy records in accordance with the law. You have the right to see and to obtain copies of your records No information will be released by us to anyone without your signed consent except in accordance with provincial legislation. You should be aware of the following situations in which your personal information may be disclosed to persons outside the Student Wellness Centre without your consent: If you are involved in a legal proceeding, the court may subpoena our records. Otherwise, family, friends, University officials, faculty, and other third parties will not have access to information from the Student Wellness Centre about you, or about whether or not you have used our services

Benefits include:

1. Helping you realize you’re not alone.
2. Facilitating the giving and receiving of support.
3. Helping you find your “voice.”
4. Helping you relate to others (and yourself) in healthier ways.
5. Providing a safety net.